Week 61: LIVE! – Logan Zero:Gone Baby John(Baby Driver,Logan,John Wick 2,BoyZero) Showcase Comics-Bryn Mawr,PA

This Week in Film, join Nick, Charlie, Dan, Tony, & Keith as they do their first live show from Showcase…

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Week 40: WaterWorld Cop (Hell or High Water (2016), Cop Car (2015), Westworld (1973), The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young (2014))

This Week in Film, join Nick & Ray as they say goodbye to Tony, again. After some tears, its time for…

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Week 39: Angry Young Marathon (Drive Angry (2011), The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young (2014), The Invitation (2015))

This Week in Film, join Nick & Tony as they wonder if they will ever see Ray again. Then they…

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